The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet

May is Chip Your Pet Month, a time to raise awareness for the many benefits of microchipping your pets. While no one expects their pets to run away from the safety and comfort of home, it’s a sad reality that results in nearly 10 million lost pets every year. The natural instinct to hunt or mate, a spark of fear or anxiety, or simply a desire to explore is all it takes to prompt a pet to break free and roam. 

At Blue Valley Animal Hospital, we take pet safety seriously, and we’ve got answers to your most common questions about microchipping.

What Are Microchips? 

Microchips are tiny electronic chips, no larger than rice grains, that are implanted just beneath the surface of an animal’s skin. Each microchip contains an identification number unique to the pet. Microchipping is a way of identifying your pet—not a means of GPS tracking.  

Is Microchipping Safe?

Absolutely! Microchipping is performed using a needle and syringe, very much like a vaccine. Your pet can be microchipped during a routine wellness visit with no need for anesthesia. Puppies and kittens as young as 8 weeks old can be safely microchipped. Microchips do not contain batteries or require power sources, and they have no moving parts. 

Does a Microchip Contain My Personal Information?

This is a common concern, but the answer is no. The only information contained on a microchip is the animal’s unique identification number. 

Veterinary clinics and animal shelters use a special scanner to check animals for microchips. If one is detected, the scanner displays the identification number. Using a private online database, the veterinarian enters the identification number to find out which registry is associated with the microchip. The veterinarian can then obtain the


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